Ordinary work clothing can easily catch fire due to arc flash. When wearing arc flash protective clothing in the presence of these electrical hazards, the risk of serious injury is greatly reduced. So how do we choose arc flash clothing? What are its criteria?
First of all, we have to determine the possibility and severity of arc flash before carrying out electrically charged work and choosing the right arc flash suit that can maximize the protection of workers. The formation of arc flash may be caused by dust, tools accidentally dropped on live electrical equipment, cold corrosion, and installation. During construction or maintenance, these factors lead to arc flash events and expose electrical contractors and other workers within range to arc flash event potential that can be serious and fatal. So on construction and building sites, workers reduce the risk of exposure by wearing appropriate arc flash clothing. Wearing arc flash personal protective equipment is an important safeguard against accidents, and arc flash protective clothing should always exceed the risk of protection from arc flash-induced burns.